Dividend Approvals
Please send your request for dividends by the 20th of the month in which you are scheduled to post the dividend along with the most recent financial statements, the rates that you are requesting, the delinquency report, and any other supporting documentation. Additional documentation may be requested in some situations. Please contact Administrator Kristina Ray for further information at kristina.ray@nccud.nc.gov or 984-275-6743.
Branch Approvals
Credit unions who wish to open a credit union branch location, should submit a Branch Application form that is inclusive of a business plan with a marketing plan and a 3-year performance plan. Also, include any contracts for purchase, leases, and upfitting & security installations for the desired location.
Please contact the Investigations & Chartering Manager Caroline Warren at 984-275-6734 or caroline.warren@nccud.nc.gov if you need assistance or have any questions.